Catherine Segurson
Some writers wait years to be paid, but Catherine started at the tender age of ten. She earned an allowance by writing poetry. She wrote and then staged a play in the garage of her home. (Automatic garage doors make wonderful curtains for an audience seated on kitchen chairs in the drive way.) For eight years she has been improving her craft by attending writing workshops and submitting freelance work to magazines. She is currently at work on a novel of historical fiction set in 1537 Italy about a character in the painting The Venus of Urbino by Titian. Her main objective as a writer is to see her novel in print, worldwide, in every language. But, like most writers, she is currently trying to find a home in literary magazines for her short stories, poems, and creative non-fiction.
Catherine has also been drawing since she can remember, but her work as a visual artist began at age 19 when she took her first painting class from Wayne Theibaud at the University of California Davis. He opened up the world of colorist art for her, and she has been splashing in the bright oils of his limited palette ever since. She has attended painting workshops and painted in plein air groups for eight years. She began selling her paintings through Danville Fine Arts and annually at the Danville Open Studios tour.
Her idea that all arts are interconnected keeps her attending workshops in art, writing, and poetry, music and film. She currently hosts a monthly salon in her studio where artists of different disciplines create together in an open forum.
Writing experience:
- Zoetrope All Story Magazine, San Francisco, Reader (stories/screenplays) 2003–present
- California College of Arts and Crafts, MFA Creative Writing, 2003, San Francisco, Ca.
- ZYZZYVA Magazine board member from 1998–2001 for Editor Howard Junker
- Tuscany Institute Advanced Studies, writing workshop with Susan Vreeland, 2000
- Napa Valley Writing Conference, Napa Ca. with Michael Cunningham, 1999
- Coastal Living Magazine, Published in spring 1999 Issue, story titled &ldquote;Abalone Man&rdquote;
- Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, Summer Writing Workshop 1999
- Columbia University, New York, Summer Writing Conference with AM Homes
Painting Experience:
- University of California Davis, BA, studied art with Wayne Thiebaud
- Tuscany Institute Advanced Studies, painting workshop with Michael Schlicting
- California Watercolor Association, member 1998–present
- Danville Alamo Cultural Alliance, member 1997–present
- Eugene O’Neill Tao House Artist in Residency 1998, 1999
- Danville Open Studios tour 1999,2000,2002,2003 (sold 30 paintings)
- Group show participant Annual Napa Valley Summer Art Festival